Seriously, what....?!
Since when have owls ever been a thing? Is this another expansion, or maybe relevant to a mission?
Maybe I'm just high off my rocker and expect some underlying meaning because of all the Sombra stuff that's going on with OW, but I don't recognize anything here besides the emblem of the Vanguard.
Fam? What's going on?
I tried it without a bubble. Caught space aids. Never let anyone talk you out of using protection.
I have all 5 message blanketbilly16 for invite
Ok so I got a clean character, anyone out there with 5 please?
Have all 5 on Xbox. Message juggaloxxfatpat for invite. ONLY works with fresh. Does not work if you already have some.
How is it possible to get all 5 buffs?
I am thinking about if that Noise custer ( players think infection virus but I might be wrong) if more players grow to increasing % of custer that around in world. More it have is possible have open message on OWL to secret place or door. Who know about name swarm bugs around guardian head?
Have all 5 on Xbox. Message juggaloxxfatpat for invite.
Edited by A Rising Wind: 9/16/2016 5:08:22 PMIt appears to be slowly leaking in real time lore showing how SIVA is getting released leading to RoI release. Owl Sector appears to be an Intel division in the tower/city, but not under the vanguard. So far it has ID'd four members: Shun, Quista, Berriole, and Ram (full name unknown so far). Berriole went to the dust palace and found a research lab that Willa bray (invented engam decrypting) and a dr shirazi used during the golden age. It appears to be the source of the infection. The also keep mentioning "Dawm Calamity". The way they refer to it, it sounds like a previous event, possibly the containment of a previous contagion release? They kept expanding the lab notes with new info every few hours. Pretty cool spin on the lead up they did on HoW/TDB.
Owl is a a ancient god called Moleck. The illuminati are big into it, so were the people who built Washington D.C. Take a look at the official press Corp seal. On the old dollar bills there was a owl perched in the corner on the top right. Research Bohemian Grove, they have a Giant Moleck the make mock human sacrifice's to. Many world leaders go here every year
If you're on PS4 & need all the buffs then search the Community "super STDS". You must have a fresh character that has no buffs! Join six6caliber under "now playing" Just kill me in the mode
I think the "armor systems override" that is referred to under "splendor" may correlate to the reason for our upcoming light level increase. We need to be higher level to fight our infections. The other theory I had rambling around my head is that those of us who got infected early on with only one virus are somehow an early adopter sort of carrier. I haven't hashed it all out yet though...
Hey guys Anyone with 5 willing to share? stuck on 4 atm! Thanks
Anyone one ps4 with all strains willing to hook up and infect me plz.
Have all 5. Running crucible with a select few to spread my AIDS. GT is Dr Skidmarks MD
IMO bungie is trying to see how are we getting matched around the world... using an EXP buff as a bait.
Guess I'm the only one in my state infected cuz it looks to be clear.
Anyone have All 5 On Xbox 1?
Anyone have All 5 On PS4?
An STD you get if you bang eris
Can someone please give me all five AIDS. I'm on ps4. Psn is fishtechmadman13. Add me please thank you.
Can anyone with all 5 buffs give them to me? PSN MARNO-RLS
Anyone noticed that the spinning pie chart is changing?
This is why you wrap it before you tap it.
Anyone with all 5 willing to help me get them? I'm On PS4. Thanks