[quote]Who cares? Good lord.[/quote]
Obviously a crap ton of people care hence the shit load of posts and bumps. Sorry not everyone is as boring as you lol
Way to go. You just perpetuated the stigma that all desticles are nerds AND crybabies. Go kick rocks in the dirt kid. Lol.
[quote]Way to go. You just perpetuated the stigma that all desticles are nerds AND crybabies. Go kick rocks in the dirt kid. Lol.[/quote] Way to prove how big of a pathetic looser you are. Nothing wrong with being a nerd, only a high schooler afraid of not being popular would would think other wise. And you call me a kid. The only one acting like a kid here is you. Enjoy your sad life of attempting to look and act cool for people who could cares less about you.