So I'm guessing these buffs people are talking about can be picked up by doing certain activities. The site has five buffs and the first mentions the dust palace. People have said that they have picked up the buff after doing the nightfall, which is the dust palace. I imagine the other 4 will become available over the next 4 days til ROI launches, although they are already implemented so people have been getting them without realising how. This is just my thoughts but seems pretty plausible.
My team got 2 during flayers strike on heroic.
I just did that and didn't get any so maybe its rng. Did they get the same buff or 2 different ones?
Yeah, after reading about it, maybe one of my teammates had them and then we all had magnificence and brilliance when we finished.
I just tried it from the director and got brilliance when one of the randoms I was with, who had it, used his super.
Just did the nightfall and nothing.. Had one person in fireteam infected by two of them
You get them or some of them by killing someone with it in crucible, at least that's how I think it works. I got splendor 2.6 after getting a kill in crucible.
My whole team got it after totems in hard raid, don't think anyone started with it.
Yes I think you can transmit them from crucible but I also think its possible to pick them up in the game by going to certain places or doing some things.
So maybe they originate from something like nightfall and spread through crucible?
I've read on reddit that they're spreading through orbs as well so maybe you can get pve and pvp buffs. Some probably originate in the crucible, others in pve. Might go have a look round the dust palace.
I'm infected by two of them. But yeah that makes sense. Especially the nightfall