There are these "virus" things that guardians are getting through various activities. There are 5 known viruses and they could be linked to a quest similarly to the Sleeper Simulant questline. My guess is that this leads to us getting that SIVA pulse rifle that releases SIVA wolfpack rounds on a precision kill.
Can you give a virus to someone, or is it just random which one you get?
The initial infections were random, but now you have a chance to get infected if you kill an infected Guardian or you pick up Orbs of Light dropped by an infected Guardian on your team.
I joined a random match of control and finished with two of the buffs. Try that out.
I honestly have no idea, I haven't gotten to play yet. This is all just speculation from the info I've gathered on the forums. It seems to be passed in a lot of different ways and sometimes you are able to get the virus that the other person has, and other times it's random.
I'll take two of those please