Rules: Master Chef is not allowed to sparta kick Saladman to death, but to make up for not having bullshit Mass Effect powers to ruin PvP by insta killing people by simply running in their general direction, Master Chef is the only one allowed to use vegetables since green is his favorite color.
(Keep in mind this is Post ending Master Chef so he does not have a naked blue lady to help him cook)
All master chief will need is a lag switch and he has got this lol 😉
Master Chef
Edited by ProvingVirus: 9/18/2016 3:09:27 AMDoomguy wins. Doomguy [i]always[/i] wins.
They would make a bomb ass restaurant though
Halo is basically a fanfic about Mister Chef. Hes the favourite, so he cant die and beats everything.
Pesonally I think its Lord saladbin
Lord Salad-bar. As I've said before. Spartans are the best soldiers that Technology and Training can create. Guardians are the best soldiers that MAGIC and Technology can create.
Edited by unknownuserh: 9/18/2016 12:23:22 AMI recall a general rule about #gaming, anything in the poll that is halo or master chief wins
Gordon Ramsey will always win
Edited by Jon Snow: 9/17/2016 7:38:50 PMWell I going to have to chose my best pal chief as he could make a feast so delicious it would make the prophet of truth call for truce
Did spyglass get bant?
Ooh how bnet has fallen.... WHY BUNGIE WHYYYY
Of course lord saladman would win he have an healthy life eating vegetables Masterchief only eat on mcdonnalds and will probally die with a heart attack
I don't know if I hate this post or like it
I appreciate the Titanfall tags
Edited by Rhynerd: 9/17/2016 8:30:33 AMSalad man is nothing without his vegetables. Sure he knows how to cook meat with his iron skillet but he never gets it out right enough to stand on it's own. Fruit may help but it won't be enough. Master Chef is the clear victory here.
They both lose to Gordon Ramsey.
Physically- master chief Politically- BLM
Papa Bless
Master Chef is the master. Which means he even makes better salads. Lord Saladman is just a prep cook; not even a sous chef. Chef: 1 Salad: 0
Austin dickey of the dickeydinesshow out classes both imo.
Well that depends what they're making, obviously.
Huhauahauahauahauah, the names joke is so silly but it hurt my stomach, never laughed so much.
Definitely mister salesman. Master beef is useless.