I've got
Brilliance 3.2
Glory 2.1
Splendor 2.6
Willing to trade if anyone has different
Id like to get all 5. How do you share? I'm on xb1 right now
hey i got magnificence if youd like to trade, are you on xbox?
nvm if youd like id love to spread it around too, im in a party so join if youd like hammuu is gt
Hey mate are you able to share the virus with me? Got no idea wth it is or this owl stuff
i would like to trade. I have Magnificence and Brilliance.
Party invite Edubkins and I'll join through chat
how do you trade them
Yo u still giving the space herps. If so gt Rokco17 I'm pretty sure by now u have them all. I have mag and brilliance if u need them.
Can you help me get Glory, Splendor and Fortitude? They don't seem to be dropping for me :(
I have Fortitude if you want it
I invited you to chat
I'm trying to spread it to guys who asked for mine. What method have you used to shste?
Private matches works you have to either kill the person you want to get them or revive
Are you on ps4? Desperately searching for fortitude. I have glory and splendor if you need too. My psn is same as name here.
Im confused how does this stuff work?
Platform? I have Magnificence 2.0
add me jfreck I'll be on tomorrow after work
I only have brilliance 3.2 would you mind transferring the others to me?
Send a party invite
Just did
What platform?
Trade? I have magnificence and brilliance