Okay, so this is what I've got.
Brilliance 3.2
Glory 2.1
Splendor 2.6
Magnificence 2.0
Fortitude 3.1
For Brilliance I got this....
[quote]Owl Sector Internal, OS-I6 1
[b]SHU[/b]: How long since we last convened?
[b]QUI[/b]: I can still recall the Dawn Calamity, so not long enough.
[b]BER[/b]: I've got consistent and strange reports coming in from across the system.
[b]SHU[/b]: Try me.
[b]BER[/b]: A few Guardians in the field report being swarmed by some kind of electronic mite. The first few after visiting the Dust Palace on Mars, but the rest from all over.
[b]SHU[/b]: How bad?
[b]BER[/b]: Fantastic, apparently. At least, that's what they're yelling over comms. Is happy shouting a medical issue? Do we take this to the Vanguard?
[b]QUI[/b]: Ikora first. The Hidden might know something.[/quote]
I got something for Magnificence as well, but I reached my character limit for posts. The rest of them were blank.
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