Everyone thinks this is SIVA... am I the only one thinking it is Rasputin attempting to counter SIVA?
I think that it is the warmind on mars and it is coming back online
Well the website says it started in the Dust Palace which is if I believe correctly a Clovis Bray building. Rasputin is seen here once in the vanilla storyline and in the Dust Palace strike. But, I think this some sort of form of SIVA, maybe it's just in the right hands.
Yes the Buried City mission, when we tried to activate the machine there Rasputin took it over almost immediately.
That's exactly what I think, the names are way to positive to be a bad infection. It's like a siva vaccine
I believe it to be Siva's herald, a sample of what is to come
It's a vaccination. Some dude called it orbital weapon lancet ....
DUDE. True