Anyone else a little bit nervous that the want us to spread it until we are all infected and then it actually switches from a good thing to a bad thing because I am.
[spoiler]There is no such thing as a good virus.[/spoiler]
It is a bad thing! read the text on the owl sector website!
Guardian Pokerus!
This is how I've been explaining it all day haha
Religion is a virus that is seen as "good" by most
Oooooooooooooooooooooo somebody's a free thinker who doesn't need religion like us SHEEP.
Ummm lol
That's not a virus, that's just an outcome of human thought. Quit being a tool.
Pokerus was a good virus lol
Beat me to it. Damn it.
Could be early stages of Siva, it's starts off good then goes really bad
Yeah not sure if I want to be infected