Siva can be on Mars. It was said in the game informer video that siva was actually developed by Clovis bray, it's what they used to create the massive cities and such a fast pace.
So.....siva is some kind of nanotech with a consious that moves like a symbiot and uses its hosts(fallen) like a tool to destroy..?(similar to spiderman and the venom symbiot when it took him over)
It's like an infection but the devs said it wasn't really conscious. Its actions are based from what ever entity controls it.
Oooo now i get it i tought the fallen were taken over by siva, but instead they USE its potential....thanks
Edited by Molfox: 9/16/2016 5:11:19 AMOh i didnt know about that. Thanks for the correction. 'Twas a good theory while it lasted. :) Although i still believe that considering what the cluster gave us- a knockoff nanomachine based virus that is also beneficial to light users- that what we got might not have been done purposely by the SIVA warmind thing, if it has one.