Seriously, what....?!
Since when have owls ever been a thing? Is this another expansion, or maybe relevant to a mission?
Maybe I'm just high off my rocker and expect some underlying meaning because of all the Sombra stuff that's going on with OW, but I don't recognize anything here besides the emblem of the Vanguard.
Fam? What's going on?
Have any of you noticed on the map that some clusters of the infected areas just so happen to be in the perfect shape of a triangle? Or an arrow head? There is more than one of them too. This is no coincidence. It's all about discovering the relevance of it all. Maybe you can only be infected with 'brilliance' for example, if you reside in an area of that map that has a brilliance cluster on it? Who knows? I reckon the shapes are significant in some way though.