Anyone else smell an idiot? I have all 5 and if you want to take advantage of an in game buff let me know. You [b][i][u]must[/u][/i][/b] have a clean character.
Also on Xbox 1
Can I get in on this? GT: D1v1d3D
Hey man, i can get you covered. Still looking?
add me S90 SUNCHO on xbox one
Tried man says you are offline.
I came home in 4 hours. I'm at work now. Thank you ;)
Alright hit me up when you get back.
Is it transferred between characters? If not then I have a clean character you can infect.
And no it's not between characters
Ok cool and yes xbox1 gt same as username
Need another invite?
Yeah I accidentally shut it off
I invited you.
Xbox1? GT?
Can you hook me up? Thanks GT - FirstAvenger013
Same as above, ps4, I'll be on soon
Sorry man Xbox1 :/ goold luck
Completely clean on Xbox One.
RobbieDal13, same as username. I'll be on in 15 minutes.
Are you on xbox? My gt is joski if so.