Hosting 5 viruses for ps4. Message Edubkins (on psn)...receive party invite join (fresh/non infected character) through party...I'll kill you with super, you kill me back...profit...then leave.
Message me on here...don't
Friend requests...don't
Send me a party invite...don't
Breathe through your mouth...don't
If you struggle with these simple instructions you likely won't get the mites.
I went to get the notes from a guy in a private match last night. Some other guys who had some of the other ones were with. Only myself and the guy with all 5 killed each other. No interactions with the others and I only got one of them. So they don't transfer the way we thought or I should have all 5
Had to be clean character at the moment
My character was clean
Not sure what you guys did, but I've been passing all 5 with ease
I don't know either. But now all my characters have some sort space aids. Hope they don't all die