If it was across multiple strikes I'm not sure what happened, but there is a glitch were if you're shadow touched and take damage below your shields, after destroying the blight your health doesn't come back. Your shields do sometimes but not the health, and it stays that way till you die or the blight respawns and you destroy it.
Take it that this wasn't the issue?
That did happen, but also happened where there weren't any Taken enemies. Very weird, first time I've ever experienced it. It was only on my Hunter.
There was a theory that this was exactly how this would work and that a seemingly beneficial virus was actually mallicious. Hope this is something other than an overhyped exp boost for new players like myself
I hope the same thing too JeffVanzyl. Although I'm not new, been here since the beta & day 1. I was really hoping for some kind of big, SIVA related event before Rise of Iron. I guess this Owl Sector stuff will have to do. Haha.
I'm new. 23 days old in fact :)
Welcome Guardian!