So Bungo, you think it's a good idea to nerf the 1k stare family. You are bringing back high impact legendary snipers to current light level, but giving the only sniper (that we know of) Devil's Dawn a crappy high zoom scope? You can't use that in PVP, remove the barrel options and bring in ambush, shortgaze and the low zoom longview as options.
I don't think I need to go into details about why this won't work, due to map design and shotguns go hand in hand in destiny. The crucible is now only filled with shotguns, everyone knows that snipers are now a stupid choice. Just take a look at the MLG event.
best regards
Looks like a PVE sniper. Siva/snow/POE theme to it. I'm sure IB and trials will have some good snipers. I haven't done 3s in a while, but crucible seems better than it has in a while as far as special weapons diversity goes. There seem to be some ghost bullets occasionally, but I'm just glad fusions are competitive again.