simple enough :
the rng of 3oC, combined with the "cool down", FURTHER combined with "fair use" confusion, leads me to want this damn thing changed up a little bit
A) increase the price to buy 3oC to 10 Strange Coins
B) decrease the amount of 3oC you get from 5 to 1
C) when using 3oC, you *ALWAYS* get an exotic
D) double the cool-down period of 3oC
that is all, let me know what you think buy UPVOTING (regardless of opinion) and selecting a poll result
I'm wondering if 3oC are even working atm or have they currently disabled or nerfed them to hell because of all the players getting the Trespasser before RoI commences. I was getting far better drop rates of exotic engrams prior to the last patch than I am currently getting (anything was better than the current none). You see these videos on YouTube of people suggesting how to prepare for RoI and their vaults and characters are almost full of nothing but exotic engrams, where are they getting that many from? is there a special version of 3oC (that actually work at a reasonable rate) that only these YouTubers get? Even legendary engram drop rates seem to be near zero, but lucky for us it is raining trash uncommon ones because they are so useful, not.