Compare it to other scouts and have a valid opinion
Keep up the comments there's some great ones
Loving the comments a 50/50 on nerf it and keep it I just don't like it having such a big clip lol
Well this is escalating very quickly lot of great comments from year one guardians here's hoping we get a cool new primary
In yr 1 Mida was an overlooked weapon. It was very alternative. A good gun in the right hands but nothing about it was game breaking. We get to yr 2, and it was one of the first few weapons brought forward from yr 1 after the initial launch of TTK. And all of a sudden it blew up big time! Everyone was using it and it was doing really well in PVP. Why is this you ask? Surely it must have been buffed from the yr 1 version?! Nope. In fact it got a nerf to the secret high impact perk it had, and other than that hasn't been touched by Bungie. The problem was that all the other primary choices had been nerfed to oblivion, so now the jack of all master of none had gone to the top while standing still! So in short, no MIDA is not OP, but it was the last decent choice left for a while. Hopefully that will change soon with other guns being discovered, and they will take over as Meta leader without Mida having to be nerfed atal.