I'll be honest, I was against nerfing it in the first place, I don't believe it was in any way gamebreaking, and the fact that most other people thought so is just insane.
All the nerfs people suggested would've essentially neutered the weapon ("It must be a special!", "It should be reduced to 1 shot per magazine!", "It should be removed from the game altogether!").
When I tried to express my opinion on the issue, I was bombarded with accusations of being biased due to not wanting to lose my "crutch weapon", and when I retorted with the fact that I'd never used it in PVP, I was criticised for having an invalid opinion. There were some who looked up my K/D for "shiggles" and then proceeded to use that as their main weapon when trying to counter my argument.
But you know what, the nigh-unbearable bull**** that is spewed by various members of this community (of which there is a lot) isn't what I'm here to talk about. I want to talk about Bungie's recent nerf to UR, and what I would've done had the choice been placed in my hands.
As many of you know, the last update reduced the range bonus granted to the UR by its exotic perk. Personally, I believe this was a controversial move, as its range is one of the things that make it unique.
Instead, if the UR actually became a problem, here is what I would've done to it to make it balanced but still fun to use:
* Impact would be reduced so that a single shot is enough to remove a guardian's shield, another is required to finish them off.
* The ADS precision damage bonus applied by the exotic perk would've been increased to allow for 1 shot kills in PVP.
* Rate of Fire would be modified so that 2 shots can be let off in just over the time it takes for TLW to let off three.
This way, in order to get 1 shot kills, players would have to use the UR in the way it was intended to be used. If they were to shoot someone either in the body or without ADSing, they'd need 2 shots to kill them, thus bringing the weapon slightly more in line with other primaries.
Reducing the magazine size to 1 (no joke, somebody suggested this) or changing the slot would've been too far. I believe the changes I've suggested would put the UR in the place it deserves to be as an exotic: Amazing in the right hands, above average in everyone else's.
People like to complain. That was the first weapon I put to 335. Was my first exotic. Honestly my favorite weapon outside of Hawkmoon. There were ways to get around that weapon, just like any weapon in the game. I don't usually resort to "git gud" but everyone needed to. The nerf was unwarranted and I know that's an unpopular opinion. The reason they nerfed it was because "guardians got too good with it". Look it up, that's exactly how it's stated in the notes. To me, if you get to know a weapon and it becomes your main, you shouldn't suffer because other people can't compete. I will still use that weapon often, but it's a shame the type of nerfs I've seen come to weapons over 3 years of being here.