It's been a while since I've been on these boards but I decided to come back to check out how ROI is as a lapsed year 1 player. Learned my lesson after a couple of burns by them and wanted to wait til the dust settles to see what everyoen thinks. Opinion on TTK turned after only a short while so I held off purchasing.
That's actually the reason for this post because of this my account was kind of frozen in time. I had planned to still play the game occasionally but what wasn't walled off or removed was made not worth playing. So when looking at my profile I realized I didn't have just one or two things saved from year one but a crap ton of stuff that would have been trashed to make room in my vault had I continued to play.
Since a lot of the posts on here are about memory lane and remembering some of the great weapons and armors and what not I figured I'd share some screenshots so fellow year 1 players could be reminded of them. If y'all like the pics I'll upload the video I found of launch day for the game that I recorded of people just running around the Tower just figuring things out and being in awe of everything, taking screenshots with the Traveler and what not.
I sure as hell hope you didn't get rid of that purifier 7.