So, we frequently see the issues vegans are trying to address in society, and most of them come down to the clause that there is meat available for us to eat, therefor we eat it.
As a large population, we not only eat it, we farm it, and mercilessly kill this animals with no regard for the beautiful thing that is life. While many people disagree with vegans, there are some [i]serious[/i] drawbacks to farming on this level.
Cows drink, and cows fart. This means they are using our drinking water, and thus we can't make money off of it by putting it into plastic bottles. This also means that more from-fart-methane is going into the air, and trapping the sun rays in. Cows are becoming angry that they are being slaughtered, and in retaliation, they are making the atmosphere into a giant magnifying class to burn us all, in a similar fashion to burning ants.
My solution, is that we kill all the cows. If the cow species were to be extinct, then we wouldn't be able to farm them, as no cows would be able to be born. This saves them from being mercilessly killed by hungry Americans who need burgers to survive.
Unless anyone has a better solution, I think this is the most appropriate route to take to satisfy the growing vegan population.
Why don't we just kill the vegans as well while we're at it?