Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
360 hunter. X6 golden gun on it. Gt : xeiio
Add me for omnigul farm I'm a hunter 350+ light with a raze-lighter and 30+ ammo synths
340 hunter with celestial nighthawk looking for 2 more hunters. Be 340+ PSN: SlackEight
346 Titan (can use weapons).. Need a hunter for tether, 2 would be cool.. Add me: K1ngAnt_
356 titan lfg add blalejo
Two warlocks in search of a hunter for tethering. :) both are 355. Msg OMGMIYAZAKI.
Need two Hunters, be 345 or above in light, Have exotic sword. -1 Golden Gun with (Celestial Knighthawlk), -Also 1 Nightslalker. Add & Join ;-) PSN : Luffy-Santoryu
Edited by carman97: 9/28/2016 8:17:33 AMNeed 2 345+ light to farm omnigul is 353 hunter add carman97
360 Hunter looking for omnigul run!! add/inv badboybutimnice
358 nightstalker with gjally or sword add THEKAMIKAZE16 and inv meh
Need 1 preferably a hunter with tether. N raze lighter add me rikkrockk
Hunter looking to level up at omnigul I have sword and tether. Pan is nohandluke
Edited by Delta Zebra: 9/28/2016 5:24:37 AMTitan lfg have raze lighter/ghorn inv Delta Zebra xb1
356 titan with ghorn lfg Add BlackMamba-101
364 hunter with tether lfg add Tagious7386
Hey its me again. The 350 Stormcaller with gally or sword. Still looking to help whoever with an omnigul farm. No mic but I am capable of hearing words come out my headset. I'm also capable of shooting things as well.
NEED 1 MORE PS4 Omnigal Normal 351 Hunter/Warlock & 344 Titan both have Gjallahorn and titan will do weapons of light PSN: Rancid4skin
350 Stormcaller with gally or sword. Looking to help whomever. No mic but I am capable of hearing words come out my headset. I'm also capable of shooting things as well. Add me or whatever.
Need 1 nighthawk then g2g for farming. Have razelighter as well
Need 1 player with exotic flame sword add wicko_160
Nightstalker need two for farming
353 lock with vortex nova looking for nightstalker and raze lighters
362 lock with jelly and raze lighter and 100 synths looking to farm omnigul. Need a group or a Titan and nightstalker hunter. PSN Gofyi
Need 2 to farm omnigal
350 stormtrace lock with gally add same
Yo omnigul farm add: faraz-321 be a hunter with tether or nighthalk