Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
350 titan looking for group to do omnigull farming Add cheeseheadmarine
351 Titan looking to farm for light level psn mr_cantbreakme
360 nighstalker with bolt-caster must have mics
Edited by CCS BigH: 9/24/2016 11:05:10 PMNeed 2 Locks I have Omnigul Cp Gt: Nq Talents Xbox One
Need 1 nightstalker hunter add Berzerk754
need 1 rather u were a stormcaller or had raze lighter titan smash is good too PSN:Docta_Coca_Ebola
359 hunter need one more warlock Add Scorch160
360 nighstalker with bolt caster lfg
Looking to farm anyone? 351 Warlock.
353 titan here looking for one hunter (nightstalker) and one warlock. Add Berzerk754
Need 1 more. We have a storm and a tether. Psn ballistiix
Gt:spinal420 / warlock351
353 hunter with tether, iron gally, and sky burners annex. Looking to farm.
Need 2 for farming add me if interested psn: The_Flash930
Edited by Gaaaaabe: 9/24/2016 10:36:55 PM359 stormcaller add gabe_ydg
Need one with gjallarhorn
351 hunter with tether and ghorn looking for Titan and another hunter for farm add me as above
354 titan razor light
357 storm caller.
358 hunter
359 hunter with tether and Bolt-caster
[quote]Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well 360 stormcaller looking for two hunters.
2 hunter 356 - 354 looking for warlock, omnigul farm. Add QuesoFresco44
350 hunter, can nighthawk or tether, add Meowadventures if needed
344 hunter tether with 350 g-horn looking omnigal farm
366 Titan looking for group got gally PS4. Name above