Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
366 Titan looking for group got gally PS4. Name above
359 hunter with tether and bolt-caster
Tether 350 gjallarhorn
Tether hunter looking for group
Need on for PS4 gt above
I have hunter with tether over 350 please add thegreat315
Edited by Chiups: 9/24/2016 10:04:07 PM
Need a tether for Omnigul farming. At least be 350 and know what to do. Add me Lilmattad1 on PS4
Hunter and warlock looking for 1
Need 2 for omnigul Farm must be tether or storm caller
Need one hunter to farm omnigul Need to be 350+ and must know what to do MSG: ImHighOnKoolaid or yungmoney111m for invite
Need one hunter to farm omnigul Need to be 350+ and must know what to do MSG: ImHighOnKoolaid or yungmoney111m for invite
Looking for one , we are two hunters
Need 1 hunter for omni farming add detrick201
Edited by Chef_Gordy: 9/24/2016 9:54:33 PMNeed 2 for omni farming add detrick201 stormcaller
Need 2 to farm Omnigul. 350+ only and add PSN SeasayGaming
Xb1 group ?¿
Need one night stalker Join asap!
Lf farm nightstalker
LF omnigul farm 366 Titan.
Need 1 nightstalker for farming Must be 360+ light Add me my psn is tam_dramm (I'm 362 light)
Need 2 for Omni farm add KRwN_CHRONiiC and join!
Omnigul farm can run 363 Titan or 363 hunter w/ RL or Gally LFG
I'm a 350 Hunter I can run tether or Gg whatever you need. I got gally Inv: lightsider1805 if you need one
Need 1 golden gun hunter with celestial nighthawk or night stalker Raze-lighter Decent light Mic Looking to farm fast n get the gear Add j_lew1s
I'm 356 light Warlock [b]looking[/b] for a [b]nightstalker[/b] hunter and a [b]celestial nighthawk GG[/b] hunter to farm little miss omnigul for a little while. Shoot me a message or friends request at [u]GRANDPALIKESWEED[/u]. I've dont it before it's easy, g horns or nice swords are useful