Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
[quote]Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.[/quote] 354 Titan looking for a team add shavone167
358 looking to join team
Need 1 hunter FARMING OMNIGUL add killerommy
Need 1 for omnigul farm. Add Dubspreadonly. At the boss
Need 2 for framing also need a hunter add atvfire
Need 1 hunter with celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or raze lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Need 1 hunter with tether or celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or raze lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Looking for a omnigul farm, im a 357 titan + gjhali + weapons of light inv me
Need 2 hunters with tether or celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or raze lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Need 2 hunter with tether or celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or reader lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Need 1 hunter with tether or celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or reader lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Need 1 hunter with tether or celestial nighthawk goldy. Have gally or reader lighter Add HeadshotAllen
Looking for 2 for Omnigul farm.. I'm a 361 hunter with tether and raze lighter.. Need 2 more with gally or raze lighter.. Tether or weapons of light preferred
Titan 351 got gally and dark drinker need a group for the night add TheBlackArab please have an exotic sword or be a celestial nighthawk hunter to make it easier for all of us thanks
Lfg 347 stormtrance warlock with gally. Want a group. Msg or add gtrddffuyjygf and inv
364 Titan add me to your group for omnigul farm please. Have group 360+
354 sun breaker with gally lfg
I've got the checkpoint. Add gt above. Need two more
Need 2more for farming add karnage_007.hunter and Titan plz
Warlock 354
DCtheVC 361 Warlock
354 warlock with gally and raze-lighter psn shaquille89
347 titan look for peeps all i need is 1 tether and other idc but both must have gally. ADD Desil0825
Need 2 for omnigul farm please be 350 plus and have a sword
345 titan looking to do omnigul and nightfall
Im a titan 363 looking to do omnigal farm i have galla maxed and sunbreaker add ad1l_j4n