Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
354 titan with ghally
354 Warlock with Gjally and Storm-caller Needed 2 players Gametag: Dylanl161
356 hunter looking for two for omigul farm. Psn- same name as above.
Titan 355 looking for 2 for hour farm
Need a hunter! 350 & 351 Titan and warlock Add Guigi7
LFG 349 Hunter with Void Bow have Bolt Caster sword. Add lordvader3322
I'm a night stalker and gunslinger with night hawk and zhalo supercell. Add me and join if you wanna grind omnigul
Need 2 more experienced players for omno farm, 1 nightstalker and 1 stormcaller 350+ light. Already at omnigul add Sintraii
Hunter and Titan need one for Omnigul. Warlock would be cool. Relevant subclass and heavy plz.
350 titan looking to hit a higher lvl what ever you need I prorbably have(psn same as too)
I'm a 349 Titan have raze lighter psn above need 2
350 Titan w/ Solar Sword (PS4) I'm running WoL Add Guigi7 :)
Need 2 i need a warlock and hunter have a mic please be good
350 titan lfg, have raze lighter.
Need 1 more already have a hunter so just be above 350 light so we can kill omnigul Add as above
355 warlock looking to farm with 2 hunters add me
Any up for farming need one night stalker and a stormcaller psn is manoli55
Need 1 hunter lvl 350 with solar sword add psn xi3randonx
351 titan with a 352 raze lighter. Need at least one hunter. Add and join
351 Titan gt Oblivion006
348 warlock looking to farm omnigul. Psn is woz_man_ invite me.
DIABLO-AK47 I'm a 345 warlock,hunter or titan, add me for omnigul
360 warlock looking for a group. Add REMPS-12
363 warlock looking to join someone Add MARINE2BE-UAH
353 light Inv
I'm a hunter with nighthawk and i am 353 light inv me