Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
345 Titan looking to farm omni add psn xi3randonx
Need a hunter with shadow shot already got 2 . 350 plus
Looking for group to farm omnigul.. Never done it but I seen it done... 350 Hunter
Need one warlock 350+
add LarryMauro 355 hunter
345 Titan and 347 Warlock both with Raze-Lighter looking for a high level hunter to farm omnigul. Know what to do. Add BigSteyn
363 Titan with raze lighter lfg psn del-gotcho
Hunter 356 with raze lighter add BladeNinjaX7
344 titan lfg
hunter 355
Hunter looking for omnigal 352 light add catastrophic54
Edited by BigSteyn: 9/23/2016 4:09:47 PM344 Striker with Raze. Looking for storm caller and night stalker to farm Omnigul. Know what to do. Add BigSteyn
Need 1 storm caller with raze lighter 340+ in the omegal part be good add KEEPIN_
342 titan have raze lighter or gjallarhorn lfg
At omnigul cp, need a storm caller or/and bolt-caster Add The_age_of_malek
351 Nightstalker looking for 350+ Exotic sword and nighthawks add x_The_W4LK3R_x
354 Warlock looking for Omnigul farm: have raze lighter and ghallarhorn. Add: vaio15
Titan 360 looking to join on strike
Need 2 for farming My light is 350 Add Wulux
351 hunter Looking to join farm Have celestial or tether Have new sword or gally Invite me DayyyLaaaDx
Need one for omnigul Add E1kerM Please have sword and over 355+ At the check point
Looking for one more for omnigul farm! We have a striker and nightstalker so looking for a stormcaller! Add UKNOWN_MOTIVES04 spelled exactly as I typed it!
At Omnigul rn need a celestial nighthawk
Need 1 golden gun must have exotic mask pan doublecheese10
356 Hunter with gally raze lighter and all that stuff need 2
354 titan add UKNOWN_MOTIVES04 spelled as I typed it