Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
354 titan add UKNOWN_MOTIVES04 spelled as I typed it
363 Titan lfg psn del-gotcho
360 warlock lfg, invite Bloodstripe
365 Hunter looking for group to farm omnigal. Psn-cuzimcam
Edited by Fusion Flame59: 9/23/2016 3:25:58 PM363 lock looking to farm GT above
352 stormcaller warlock looking to farm Add birdie-1985
Need 1 more hunter for omnigul
[quote]Need a striker Titan and need a higher light then 345 add wheelertequila for invite[/quote] Titan 343 light. Add tilferd701
Need hunter with night hawk for omnigul farm add pan same as above
Striker titan 346 light. Psn z_whiteninja_z
350 hunter with tether lfg add Tagious7386
350 hunter with tether lfg add Tagious8386
Edited by djcmac: 9/23/2016 3:08:20 PM354 nightstalker looking for at least another hunter and another. Also have swords for omni farm. Add djcmac ps4
Hunter 350. Farm or leveling. Add Kaotictouch
Need 1 hunter and storm caller must be 335+ add KEEPIN_
Im a hunter 355 looking for titan and warlock for omnigul farming :). Add Hanzo_LpT. Stormtrance and striker would be prefer and swords!
348 looking to lvl up need 2 Xbox one
348 warlock w/g horn and raze lighter lfg for omnigul leveling/farm. Add B-RAIN623
Edited by ItsBansheeTime: 9/23/2016 2:56:34 PM347 storm caller with ghorn lfg
351 titan looking for group
348 storm caller, got gally and raze lighter looking for omnigul farm group
355 Titan looking for 2 to farm. At least 1 hunter needed. Have a razelighter plz. Add as above
350 hunter w tether Looking to farm Got the new exotic sword and/or gally Invite me DayyyLaaaDx
Teather and golden gun looking for another golden gun, must have the exotic helmet pan doublecheese10
Need hunter and warlock 350+ with raze lighter, ghally and stuff. Farming till 365. I will respond just msg me
347 stormcaller looking for Group, add GT or mssg below