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Edited by Azure: 9/23/2016 6:59:59 AM

Patrol fireteam max size should be increased to 6.

Want to do court of Oryx or Archon's forge, ensuring you have the best chance of victory by having the most players? Well, too bad. You can only have 3 people in your fireteam, if you want any more you need to run into someone at random (okay chance at CoO, horrible chance at AF). I think the maximum size for patrol fireteams should be increased to 6 so we can easily get the people we need for activities like this. [b]EDIT:[/b] Actually, why not increase it to 12 to maximise fun factor? The more the merrier!

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  • Yes! This game is great but it feels like an MMO I am playing myself.

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  • Bump

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  • Bungie do this

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  • Bump.

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  • Waited in the queue at launch... no six man patrol ..haven't picked it up since..

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  • Again, for years this is another really good request that has been high on the 'official community wishlist' (along with transmogrification and private matches)

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  • Please make this reality, Bungie.

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  • I think all activities should be increased to 4. My wife and I like to play with friends (also a couple, but basically only raids and crucible allow us to actually play together. Every activity should be increased to team of 4 minimum.

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  • Bump

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  • What I don't understand is why 6-man patrol isn't already a thing. Missions, certain crucible modes and strikes, ok, fair enough to cap at three. But patrol is mostly just a chance to free roam with friends, why not let us 6-man it. The number of created lobbies shouldn't be an issue, the number of times I've been in party chat with my friends and we've wanted to do CoO, but our two 3-man teams end up in different lobbies when a single 6-man team would have eased our frustrations. Especially when you consider this would be happening to many parties worldwide, and the increase in parties ending up in a newly created lobby would be balanced by a decrease in lobbies created from pure rng matching of 3-man teams anyway.

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  • Agreed, my clan can't really do AF together because of this

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  • I just ran 5 Perfected SIVA missions with 7 people and failed all 5. Wtf is happening? This DLC is like the most confusing piece of junk since launch. =[

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  • Agreed. Bungie termed the game a "Shared World Shooter" but there isn't really much world-sharing going on outside of Patrol. Six man patrols would help change that. But once you get six-man fireteams in patrol, we need more activities to do in patrol. Back in Y1, I used to love to run the "complete 6 patrol missions on X planet" bounty with friends because we could split up, each do a patrol, and get it done quickly for easy exp. That has been replaced by "Earn 100 bounty points by opening chests, killing enemies, picking up planetary material nodes, etc." There is quite literally no reason to do the patrol missions. I would suggest: 1. Harder patrol missions or patrol missions that scale with your light level so that when it asks you to take down that VIP and you have a fireteam of 6 max light people, that VIP is pretty much a beefed up strike boss. 2. Scavenger hunts: Part of being a guardian is recovering lost golden age technologies. Let us go on exploration/recovery missions. 3. Public events that scale in size, scope, and difficulty, depending on how many guardians are present. Imagine the enemy wars breaking out, and you gather your five other teammates to the area, and then all of a sudden fallen Ketch's warp in and you are quite literally engulfed with wave after relentless wave of fallen. Would be a lot of fun (and could be an opportunity to farm for glimmer, complete some bounties, or get engram drops). 4. And I am not sure why this is not a thing, since every patrol seems to have been built for the use of your sparrow, but they could have impromptu races around the entire patrol area for S/G's. People could wager glimmer, synth, upgrade materials, etc. It might satisfy those who are clammoring for SRL, which thus far has been a VERY limited time event. IMO, Patrol is one of the areas of the game that has become increasingly irrelevant since Y2 launched. It's time to dedicate some resources to develop activities there which would incentivize guardians to spend more time in patrols, thus fulfilling the "shared world" mantra.

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  • It's a shame that the meet aren't more 6 man activities. Perhaps Destiny 2 will be better equipped.

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  • Bump they need to do this or allow us to be on the same sever as our friends so we can help them out in the forge etc.

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  • 6-man fireteams should be available for every PvE activity. For those who say it would be too easy, then how about more enemies spawn and are stronger? I don't expect that to change in this game but at the very least I hope that in Destiny 2 I can finally play in a 4-player fireteam with my friends. It sucks that one of us has to sit out because of such a random and awkward co-op limit.

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  • No

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    3 Replies
    • Bump

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    • Or at least 4. Hate telling friends I have a full team.......of 3! Six would be awesome. You start as a team of six on patrols at low-level and you guys finish as a team of six at night level in a raid Makes the journey of a fire team of six more pleasurable and the game experience would be more robust

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    • There are ways around the limit. 8 clan members, and a very lucky blueberry

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      • bump

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      • I do agree I wish we could select a sever where are friends are playing like in gta so we can actually compete these quests.

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      • Bump

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