Currently you can run around with just the hilt and do melee damage, but its awkward and clunky.
[b]I think having sword energy should just mean that it grant you the normal sword damage and exotic abilties that come with it, but without energy we can still swing it around fluidly.[/b]
[u]I think it would be nice if:[/u]
-Running out of heavy ammo does not make the blade disappear
-Running out of heavy ammo keeps the sword swing speed and moveset but makes the damage only melee damage tier.
This way its like im just running around melee everyone with my fist, but in a more interesting way.
Currently the only meaningful difference between how it is currently and my idea, is that we should swing a ammo less sword more quickly. We need more of a reason to give up an exotic slot for an exotic heavy sword at the very least.
Does anyone remember year 2? When swords were introduced, and everyone threw a bitch fit, because they were getting two shotted by sword hilts? That were slower then melee? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.