Need 5 for raid later... must be 385 light and must have the black gjallarhorn and gold gjallarwing. Please send applications to me... i will consider after thorough character evaluation.
Ps... NO squeakers please!
Thanks guardians!!!
Edit: thanks for the hilarious posts guardians, almost time for the new raid. Get your final demands in now lol
Edited by medic: 9/24/2016 4:39:16 AMI need 5 for wrath of the machine Must be 386 light level, if not I give you a taste of Italy, must be a Titan. Period. No squeakers plzzzzzz! I'm 6 but my dad said my voice is reallllly low so he MUST be right... If u don't think so, you get a taste of Italy... Edit 1: hi Edit:2 hello Edit 3. Must have max year one ghally... Edit. 4. Taste of Italy....