BUFF HUNTER. Warlock and Titan players are just Fat Sweaty Nerds. Nerf Warlock. Landfall is OP. Nerf Titan FoH is op. It OHKO me so does every super. Hunter needs a buff and is the weakest class. Shoulder Charge requires no skill and shod be nerfed and Sunsingers is OP as -blam!-. Anyone who disagrees is a fat sweaty nerd who is uneducated.
0 recovery lol
My Lord, Even Young Omanytes Speak English Better... ~ [i]I now Baptise you for the Omanystic Religion[/i]
My Lord, Even Young Omanytes Speak English Better... ~ [i]I now Baptise you for the Omanystic Religion[/i]
Warlocks and Titans are sweaty? Then why is it every streamer/ ytber uses Hunters?
Supers are SUPPOSED to one hit kill. That's why they're called supers.
So, this is what passes as "satire" now?