So you meet a random player in a survival game and give him a loaded gun, and you maybe even look away. What do you think that player will do?
What do you think this says about people? Do you believe this carries over to how people would behave outside of a videogame, provided there are no consequences to their actions? Or do you believe people are better than that, and wouldn't do such a thing to a real person?
I don't think most people would have the balls to kill a person in real life, much less do it in that kind of fashion. In a survival situation most people will crumble. Our society doesn't cater to those who prepare for scenarios like those found in DayZ. Zombies are clearly a stretch of the imagination but natural disaster situations would play out in frighteningly similar ways. They ("preppers") are largely scoffed at by those that think such things "could never happen." Well, [i]nothing[/i] had ever happened until it did. So no, I don't think people would act so carelessly in a real life situation. I think they'd mostly be frightened sheep surrounded by wolves.