I'm very upset that this gun is tied to the raid. I'll never get it... thanks, Bungie. Your lack of matchmaking and your outright disrespect for a large portion of this community is appalling.
EDIT: I come back to 74 replies and growing. Damn you people are sore souls. Matchmaking won't harm you, let us have it. Stop crying your ass off over something that won't affect you at all. Keep using your LFG.
BTW, not interested in reading your replies.
Edited by Terrell: 9/29/2016 12:55:55 AM
I have trouble finding teams too. I'm a great pve player and never had a problem pre TTK. When I switched to only trials/crucible, people didn't hesitate to ask me for carries. But never do I receive invites for pve activities anymore.
R u xbox bro?
Are you xbox one dude? If so and your chilled our clan pardon our dust will run you though, we done the raid in 4.30hrs on Friday will two newbes of the clan and got all 5 monitors
I said said thing but I met a cool laid back British group. no cursing or hollering. working on the canister things now
Our clan is two English and rest form USA, but we are all adults and have fun
Yeah I did the monitors yesterday with a bunch of Brits, they're always so chill and not a bunch of immature assholes like my fellow Americans
Your lack of effort is more appalling. My first completion was 3rd try with Lfg no wipes.
There is a recruitment side of the forum for a reason. I can find a team in five minutes and get the raid done. You sound like you don't want to do any work and have things spoon fed to you.
Vex Mythoclast, Necrochasm or Touch of Malice ring a bell?
Jheez dude! Do you actually read? He is asking why is it tied to the raid not asking is it and he defo didn't ask for a list of other weapons lol
My bad lol
It's a raid exotic you uncultured swine
That kicks ass in crucible
Your fault for not having the will to find a team.
Optional match making would be cool but would not help to get the pulse.
I'm down to help people on PS4 on weekends. Simple_Jack_318. Message me if you want to do it Iron Dragon. Just get leveled up to around 365 or close before you attempt to do the raid. It doesn't really take that long.
We're a chill British team and were actually looking for people at the moment for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights We are on the final boss . once we've got the strat down and completed it we'll be looking to do fresh runs and get these monitors and what not We don't rush . we don't rage quit . we don't kick people if they're chill. And we take our time and learn the parts so we can repeat it every week
Hay bro, I'm English and down to help run raid or whatever you need help with, I'm a 386 light done raid and killed boss with 1 platform remainding :)
Yo dude that's good to know add me on Xbox Finchy A Throw in a group join to The Brotherhood of Bell and ill get you added up
I'm already in a clan bro but that's anyway mate, I'll add you up anyhow;)
If we had matchmaking for raids those people would then bitch about how hard they are. Stfu and get friends
You're on the forums right now idiot....pick a team up.....some people are just flat out stupid...
This is a social game and has been since day one. No one should be surprised that this exotic is tied to the raid.