For me it's the new raid scout. I'm genuinely shocked at how much I love it. I never once found a primary in year 2 that I liked and it's really made this expansion fun finding something so cool.
I actually had a second drop from a chest but used it for infusion fuel not knowing how good it would be.
At first I was using the stability perk, but it's completely unnecessary. Because of the slow RoF, it is still deadly accurate and in the video above I'm landing consistent cross-map critical hits with the extended mag perk selected instead of stability.
Not only that, landing critical hits can extend your magazine to a possible 44 shots. Things die or dsp phases end before this weapon needs reloaded.
So I'm curious what everyone else are using. Have you found something new and great or are you still using an old favorite?
Edited by iDovahBear: 9/29/2016 5:09:48 AMI was using a Red Spectre with Crowd Control+Life Support and a Hand-Laid Stock or an Eyasluna with Hammerforged+Rangefinder+Life Support for the first part of the grind. But the Raid required something more like a Hung Jury with Firefly+Triple Tap so I moved to mine. I've used the Raid AR and SR; the SR just doesn't seem accurate but it hits bodies like a champ. AR is very versatile and consistent enough, but doesn't speak to me. Hung Jury is my favorite still, by a long shot. New Raid Exotic Pulse Rifle doesn't seem like it does much work, and although I was excited to have Thorn I'm uncertain about its current state. It might just be that I need to run a Stability upgrade over Send It since it doesn't reach that far anyways. I'll have to tinker with it for awhile to figure out what's the best setup.