When I played yesterday. It only takes one person to activate both monitors.
Once the person jumps on the canister if he's on the right one then it'll glow.
The monitors will then change numbers.
Rinse and repeat.
If the canisters don't light up you're doing it wrong.
Thanks, none of the videos ive watched actually explain it that way.
Ya we kinda figured it out on our own. It's actually incredibly simple once you get it down.
We got impatient, and didn't realize until 3 or 5 fails that we gotta give it time to light up blue. HEHE took an hour of us all talking it out and trying and so on... but the extra chest was definitely worth it... even if we couldn't beat the boss and I didn't get the thing to start the mission.
Yeah sucks. At least this time you'll know how to do it and won't take an hour!