Worthless comment from a worthless person.
That's pretty harsh when you know nothing about me
Making a sh[b]i[/b]tty comment like that when a person is obviously going through something tells me everything I need to know.
Lol okay
An intolerant prick lol
Right lol? When I see stuff like that I normally shoot off a quick remark worthy of Christopher Hitchen's praise but I figured I'd give the poor guy a break. Reading other's responses has been great though.
Gotta respect her religious beliefs.
No I don't
Edited by GothmogTheTyrant: 10/1/2016 3:23:26 AMHey everyone! Im michael scarn! & im a douch... I see somebody believes in something that i dont & I'm such a loser & am full of so much stupidity & hate that i gotta make a comment instead of moving on because thats how being a sad douchbag works BLAR BLAR BLAR.
Edited by Barrierr-: 10/1/2016 4:11:35 AMTry harder kid Who's Michael Sam?
Basic bitch over here lol, calling me a kid, typical 12 year old.
Lmao & you're still commenting? I thought I was suppose to be the stupid one? The hateful one? But yet here you are name calling & harassing me. Oh the irony.
You are... But i never said i wasn't, im just an ass being an ass to an ass lol, my point was the O.P. didn't deserve people giving him shit, just because you dont agree on his religion, so from one basic bitch to another learn to STFU & move on & go fu#! yourself... Have a nice day :-)
I just saw you commented back, & i was just saying the O.P. didnt deserve your bitchiness, i never said i wasn't dumb or mean, i was just saying you were, so from one bitch to another fu!# you & have a nice day :-)
Get over yourself azzhole
Edited by GothmogTheTyrant: 10/1/2016 11:29:03 AMNot a kid, but it doesnt matter, still doesn't change the fact you are a jerk who feels like he needs to make fun of other peoples beliefs when they are going through hard times, instead of just oh... Idk... NOT posting! People like you make everyone else unhappy just because you can... How about a simple ( i myself don't believe in heaven or your religion, but im sorry about your loss) it's that simple, try being nice & you may just magically not be a douchbag anymore.
"He" is respecting "her" religious beliefs... you selfish shrimp