Who "Rockets McDickface" is
Edit - "Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the cabal on Mars"
*sigh* signed
He still is annoying
Signed. And I won't forget anytime soon
Anyone remember when he basically had infinite health?
I've killed him since the RoI launch. Still a dickface.
Signed the ramp and lantern glitches were a true lifesaver on Nightfalls
Nice, didn't like the stairs option. I used the back right cubby seemed to work better.
This dude is my argument for bungie wanting us to use shotguns more in pve. He's either pelting you with rockets or a machine gun and if you get close enough to shotgun your dead from aoe slam. But bungie has a problem with us camping with snipers. #BringBackIcebreaker #AllGunsMatter
Lol I used that reference last night with my buddies who started after HoW. They were confused yet amused.
He was a pain in the arse, I used to hide under the walkways until someone showed me the stairs spot. Signed~
Dude had HP for days. If the nightfall landing on him, with solar burn?? Forget it. We would skip that shit every time. Especially when you got kicked to orbit 😭
Anyone remember having the vog helmet drop for them so they could finally reach light level 30? Neither do I...
Edited by O1DVSBSTD: 10/1/2016 1:18:11 PM
Signed. On top of that I never learned about the stairs cheese until after they nerfed him.
Solar burn with Icebreaker easy peasy
Edited by ZeeKe86: 10/1/2016 1:12:14 PMThank God for icebreaker at that time
Hiding under the stairs sucked. Mainly because I was claustrophobic
Whether we wanted it or not, we stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's take their command one by one
I used to hide in the corner under those stairs and cry myself to sleep. I just couldn't take it anymore.
That cheating bastard. Clearly using an ammo hack...
I had to solo it one time. It literally took about two hours of jumping and shooting.