For more subs I think Justin Brown Primal Video deserves more. You probably never heard of him but I find his videos very helpful and informative. They're about cameras, video editing, how to record yourself and all that.
The one I think deserves less is Techrax. "Hey guys let me show you ways to waste a lot of money". And he destroys drones in the most boring way possible.
How about you?
This is my opinion of course. I'm sure some people won't like Justin Brown and some will like Techrax.
You know I think subs and community size is something that is always seen as the bigger the better. If I ever become a big YouTuber I don't want millions of subs. You see guys like brutalmoose and space hamster and you wonder how in such a polluted world of drama and interpersonal fighting they are able to exist in their own little bubble free from the mindless hate of the masses. But then you realize that they only have a few hundred thousand subs each. I think that's the sweet spot. If I become a YouTuber I want to be able to make my own inoffensive content away with my own community where I don't have to worry about drama.