Name: Fortis
Age: A few thousand years old.
Race: Mechonus (Sort of like a living robot.)
Gender: Although gender for Mechonus beings has not been figured out, it is assumed that he is male.
Backstory: Not much is know about his backstory. He apparently owned hundreds of galaxies before being defeated by some divine and evil monster. He currently is trying to regain what he has lost.
Appearance: Chrome skin, 10 feet tall, glowing blue eyes, no ears or nose. He only has three fingers on each hand, and they look more like claws than fingers. He also only has two toes.
Armor: He always wears his armor, almost as if it is a part of him. He wears a metal mask over his mouth, a huge chest plate, giant boots and greaves, and a crested helm. They are all made of the same metal as he is.
Weapons: A laser rifle that is five feet long, and shoots either volts of energy or one continuous laser.
An eight foot long sword that is made of sharp metal on the edges and energy in the middle.
Two pistols that can fire both solid and energy bullets.
A shield that can be rammed against enemies.
Abilities: Can fly
Can emit a variety of lasers (E.G. A regular laser or a force field. Basically any shape you can imagine made of pure energy.)
Extremely strong
Has telepathic abilities
Extremely smart
More coming soon
Also, he commands a huge space ship filled with one thousand soldiers.
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