We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,
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Edited by SoAnnoying: 10/2/2016 5:58:19 PMI've run over 20+ stikes and have only gotten 3 'Skeleton Keys'. At what point does depending on so many RNG just mean bad game programming....
Just wondering, why anyone wants to drop the rate?
Drop rate is too low. Doin thorn quest and been grinding like 20 different strikes with a combination of normal and heroic. Not a single one
Maybe it's just me but I've been doing the regular diva crisis playlist for my iron lord achievements and they drop more often it seems compared to the heroic or nightfall
Agreed done ton of strike not one drop so far
Their working on it
Done 20 strikes the other night and 6 keys dropped, that's nearly every 3 strikes, I think that's ok, but hey not everything is dropping the same rate for everyone, I got Thorn bounty after 5 bounties, some others have done 24 with no such luck...!
Since launch, I have had one key drop that wasn't given to me. I've probably done 40 strikes almost. Rngesus plz
Did 5 strikes this morning and had 2 drop for me rng is on my side
To the people who say it's supposed to be rare. I ran the nightfall 9 times this week and 3 times last week with no drops. A lot of heroic strikes 30+ and got 1 key, and I ran 16 normal strikes and got 2 keys. It's all random. They should make a bounty to get a guaranteed key like doing the nightfall, 5 heroic strikes and 3 normal ones.
With my experience and research they seem to drop every 6-8 strikes ( with a higher chance on nightfalls). Because they open loot higher (or equal to) than your current light level, I would say the drop rate is good. I would also be ok with an increased drop rate if the loot dropped at a standard 340.
Very low
Plus, open chest from skeleton key must add either ghost or artificial with high lights.
They drop at about the same rate that the strike exclusive items dropped, so I dont see a problem
I have seen one per 3-4 hours played. The only one I wanted was for the Thorn chest. As far as I'm concerned they can drop like Gally dropped for me in year1: -> 1:4800 hours played! They gear they unlock is useless compared to what the vendor sells... I have yet to be proven wrong in RoI...
I kinda want that since i did a shit ton of heroircs and no drops. But seeing the high light drops, im not sure. Shouldnt be too easy to rank up after all.
Ahhh the destiny community..... The community that bitches and wines until they get what they want. Good job guys. You all ruined destiny.
They drop more often in the 320 strike playlist
For sure
I agree, but only by the slightest margins
Grinded all day and got the shitiest imago loop ever...
I get them all the time. So do the people I play with. You cannot expect them after every match.
The consensus seems to be that they drop more often from the regular strike playlist. Not the heroic. I'm gonna go run a few and see if I can nab a few keys. Does anyone know if they stack in your inventory?