We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,
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The consensus seems to be that they drop more often from the regular strike playlist. Not the heroic. I'm gonna go run a few and see if I can nab a few keys. Does anyone know if they stack in your inventory?
Was there supposed to be one from the main story? I keep hearing people say that but I didn't get one.
Got one yesterday from the ps4 exclusive strike I forgot the name of, one with moving the orbs, wanted to open the chest only to bump into an invisible wall!?
Why? So I can drop more butt towels/class armor from the undying mind?
I've only gotten 1 so far
I seem to get 1 every 6-8 heroic strikes. about the same as getting strike specific drops before. so I Def prefer this method
Advice for Bungie if they are reading: This is an issue of perception, because the chest is visible every time and when you can't open it, the strike feels wasted. Vs before, strike-specific drops felt like a bonus. Suggestion: remove the chest and turn keys into a boost that you activate similarly to 3oc (except it will be a guaranteed strike specific vs a chance at one).
Edited by Mr Wrath XVI: 10/2/2016 4:51:48 PM[quote]We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,[/quote] I had the best rng last night ;). My rng is great. Now I have But Not Forgotten with hidden hand, thorn quest, sleeper, dream eater mask, full set of wombo combo, and more just from farming for a few hours. P.S. Every run on weekly I have a 90% chance of getting a key. So xD yeah my luck is great couldnt be better, unless I get Saladins Vigil with range finder and reinforced barrel xD
I agree. Skeleton keys, exotics and the raid are the only way for me to level up at this point
Did 5 Nightfalls and 20 Strikes all in a row. Only received 2 keys from 25 activities. FU Bunghole!!
play the 320 strikes i got three yesterday but your luck might be a little different
Drop rate is, they don't drop.
I got 2/3 nightfall
Edited by MidknightRooster: 10/2/2016 4:27:49 PM5 strikes yesterday and nothing.....(only had 1 key drop since roi released) Definitely need to fix this crap or just scrap this idea and stick to boss drops..... and by the way I completely and fully understand now with people ditching the game whenever the bond Brothers strike shows up....getting 2-3 shot by -blam!-ing dork off psions can really put you in rage mode quicker than any shotgun camper lol. Void burn baby! :P
No..Did 8 strikes yesterday and today got 2 keys both days..seems fine.
No, we don't. They aren't green, or even blue, engrams. Besides, I'd prefer something done about connection issues. Ideally I'd like people who repeatedly cheat in trials banned from PvP, but since that won't happen I'll settle for a switch from sbmm to cbmm. Which won't happen either, so I'll move on in life.
It's the only thing preventing me from getting my thorn, it will not drop for me
The only Skeleton Key I've seen is the one I got from Sepkis. I got a class item out of the chest I used it on. I got over it. I suggest you do the same.
That's weird ran 5 strikes last night and got 5 keys. RNG gods where good to me. Lol.
Ive only had 3-4 drop. So far it looks like the heroics are the best place.
I think the hotfix nerfed it further- haven't got one since it installed.
I say no because the point of skeleton keys was to replace strike specific loot so that we could choose what loot we wanted. As such, I'm pretty sure it has the same drop rate as strike specific loot, which makes sense to me. Skeleton keys weren't made to increase strike specific loot drops, just to allow you to choose what loot you wanted.
I've done 20 strikes and received zero skeleton keys. :(
NO! The drop rate is already higher than year 2 strike specifics. Quit crying.
I dont really have a hard time getting them. Ran about 5 or 6 strikes last night and got 2.
Something definitely needs to be done. I ran strikes almost all day yesterday I want to say at least 50 strikes and only got 2 keys. It's just absurd hoe rare they are.