We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,
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Something definitely needs to be done. I ran strikes almost all day yesterday I want to say at least 50 strikes and only got 2 keys. It's just absurd hoe rare they are.
Ok lets make them drop between 60-100% to stop people crying. You are what is wrong with the game.
Edited by Halo 2 Videogame: 10/2/2016 3:59:43 PM3 of us did 5 strikes last night and none of us got any keys. 0 of 15...
Are the flayer cloaks still a possible drop? I wasted 2 keys on that strike and got 2 junker scout rifles and a half cloak.
I disagree. We get the strike specific loot. I think the drop rate is similar if not the same as it was when getting that stuff to drop. The difference is you can hold the key and use it on a different strike. For me I always have tread upon stars to drop, now I get a key and I can go after the imaga loop that I've never had drop. I think it's the same drop rate but a better way to go about getting strike specific items. I don't mind how it is,
Yup, there should at least be a key with the postmaster every reset so everyone has a chance to get something. Or make it a weekly quest reward, either way is fine. I actually got more exclusive gear before keys were implemented... Sucks for nightfall now too since you can't count on exclusives to drop anymore without a key. No more grinding nightfalls :p
We need more lemon pledge.
I've gotten 5 in the past week
Actually, we need a higher drop rate on Offerings, since Bungie is so insistent on restricting the absolute hell out of us in favor of longetivity, we can't farm them.
Don't think of the chests like PoE chests you get to open half or a third of the time. They are basically the strike-specific drops in disguise. On heroic strikes in TTK, we got those drops 5% of the time at best, it is unrealistic to expect to have skeleton keys much more often than that.
Ran 20 Siva Crisis Stikes for the record book. 1 Skeleton key.
Shit ! Someone tell Bungie that Keys are actually dropping. Nerf inbound !!!
The problem is that it's an average across everyone so if you go 1/20 someone else is doing better 1/5 is in the middle of the curve
Agreed. I only got like 3 and thats from Shiro-4 lol
Bungee doesn't want everyone to level up fast by using skeleton keys, they want us to grind and stop complaining about drop rates. I think the drop rates are fine because it's really good gear, you shouldn't be able to get it every other strike
I agree. Ive never gotten a skeleton key from a strike, just one from the story, that's it
Just a heads up- I get almost zero keys when playing heroic strikes, but a ton of keys in siva 320 strikes. Could just be complete chance but it's like 1 every 5 strikes.
I did the 20 strikes for the book and got 4 keys out of 20. Idk if that's good or bad drop rate.
Agreed, I notice that Bunghole have orientated the game around the PvP side of things again. Unlimited ToO rewards, 365+ legendaries as rewards in the crucible. Yet the PvE player has to rely on skeleton keys which are effing hard to find. I quit this game for the best part of a year because it was going in a direction I didnt like... Its heading in the same direction again. THOU SHALT PLAY CRUCIBLE btw wtf have they put ToOsiris in the year 3 book for lol its a dead playlist that no one likes and no one plays. That playlist should have been deleted a long time ago.
Remove the keys, but keep the chest. I play strikes to lvl up my light. To get specific items. To help friends accomplish their goals. To enjoy destroying the enemies with my favorite and newest weapons. I don't need artificially imposed grinding to get me logged on to Destiny.
The drop rate in the 320 playlist is way higher than the 350s
From what I hear, the keys drop more frequently from the 320 playlist. So farm keys there, then jump into heroics.
We paid $30 to get no loot from strikes i guess. I guess bungie had a problem with people trying to get good grasps and imago loops even though it still took me forever to finally get one. Now the strikes are just pointless.
Yeah it's fine. Don't be greedy.
Yes please
It's fine the way it is.