We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,
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It's fine the way it is.
Maybe a 25-50% chance on nighfall completions. You could grind for it or if you are helping a fellow guardian you get a chance at something.
Edited by hopscotchpeanut: 10/2/2016 1:01:01 PMWish people would stop complaining about this The drop rate feels the same as it was for strike specific loot.... as was intended Stop getting salty because the game is not handing you stuff on a plate. This game has got far too easy and it doesn't help that little cry babies constantly pester bungie Nerf this, buff that, dummy out, wah wah wah
Your supposed to grind for stuff. It's part of the game. Not everybody wins bro. Just enjoy the ride because once you get to your destination it's over.
I got two in a row today and 3 after 5 strikes
Maybe make it a little bit easier to get them, but not too much because then it's just like the keys were for PoE, and then everything went to shit. I don't want skeleton keys right and left, but I don't want to play 10+ strikes in a row and not get one either. I mean, it doesn't bother me THAT much, but still.
They seem to drop at the same rate as strike specific loot in my experience. To be honest, to me it feels like it drops more. Before RoI the only strike specific loot I had gotten was the imago loop. Now I've got all three flayer cloaks, the golgoroth gauntlets, and the darkblade spite.
Ive only had one drop period. Not including the free one. Pretty disappointing. Also I haven't gotten a single strike specific piece to drop since RoI came out. Guess the keys are the only way to get them now.
You do know it kills your chances if leave strikes right? If you leave, you have to complete the next strike to even get a chance at a key. Stop leaving just because the boss doesn't qualify as an Ultra..... Directed at everyone!!!!
Play in the 320 siva crisis playlist they seem to drop a lot more there. I have played a few in that playlist and already got about 3 skeleton keys
That's too bad! That sucks you have actually play the game!!
Edited by Big Kahuna: 10/2/2016 12:59:18 PMA "drop rate" insinuates that key actually drop. They don't. I got the one someone at the Temple gave me. And the chest rewards aren''t that good.
No "we" don't it's fine where it is
Do shield brothers 320. Until your characters are at 365. Quick strike, good loot!
Try the non-heroic SIVA Crisis playlist.
I had one drop, can't decide where to use it. I have malok and Devils dawn, and Treads uoon stars.
I've not got one skeleton key to drop.. seems even more rare than the "strike specific loot" itself very frustrating...
Yea at least make it 1 out of 4 activities at the most. Played around 15 heroic strikes and didn't get one.
I ran over 20 strikes yesturday and I got 2 skeleton keys!!! Fix this Bump bump!
I have ran strikes pretty much everyday since RoI hit and I've gotten 2 key thus far besides the one you get from the story line. I mean I have some awful luck!
I h at what your saying, but the drop rate on strike specific loot was awful prior to rise of iron. This is a much better system. Skeleton keys should be rare imo
Isnt the key drop rate the same as the past strike exclusive drop rates??.....take for example the omnigul strike....you would run omnigul 10-15 times before you would get a grasp of malok...(at least for me thats what it averaged)....now with this dlc you would run about 8-10 strikes before getting a key....The key is for the strike exclusive so isnt the drop rate more or less the same?
I've never had one
I think I'm getting more keys than drops by quite a large margin.....
I swear these people are lucky as all hell
It appears to be pretty random for me. One day I'll do heroic playlist for hours and get 1-2, next day 1 every 2-3 strikes and back to back keys sometimes..... I think the drop rate is fine, I haven't had a day since 350 light where I didn't get at least 1 key