We need a higher drop Rate on skeleton keys,
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It appears to be pretty random for me. One day I'll do heroic playlist for hours and get 1-2, next day 1 every 2-3 strikes and back to back keys sometimes..... I think the drop rate is fine, I haven't had a day since 350 light where I didn't get at least 1 key
They drop for me about the same amount as exotics.
Just increase the rate slightly for those players who are super unlucky and get anything to drop
The 320 strike playlist drops them more often than the heroics do
This. 10 strikes, 0 keys.
I think I've only ever had 3 drop... and those were from the regular SIVA playlist. They said the drop rate is higher in nightfalls and heroics... I say b.s. on Bungie's part.
The drop rate feels about the same as strike specific gear was before RoI. This is most likely what they intended. So you get the strike specific gear at the same rate, but now you get to pick which gear (to an extent). With the current leveling, I think it is actually very balanced.
I've gotten 4 so far. I'm saving them cuz they are too rare.
Did maybe 6-8 strikes in heroic yesterday, got two. Seems plenty.
I have only received 1 so far
I've only ever getting them from the 320 playlist but I've got 2 on me now but in total i think I've had about 5 lol is there away to get a ghost from these chests coz mines still 365 & everytime I've done the raid I have not received 1
3 nightfalls last night, my buddy got 2... I on the other hand.... zilch
10+ Strikes a Day on 320 and no keys for over a week except for what I got from the quests.
I've only ever got the quest one
It's needs to be increased I have only ever gotten one since the ROI came out and the was the one you get from shiro
The drop rate feels the same if not better than when the actual exclusives were dropping minus the nightfall. I'm OK with this, at least we can sort of pick which one we want now
I have not got a skeleton key for many days. Need to open a chest for a better artifact, but it eludes me.
Mine seems to be about 10%. To me that seems fair. That was around the same rate as exotic drops from raids in year one as well as three of coins. Or you know we could go back to the 1% drop rate for exotics in strike playlist and crucible in year one. Those were dark times.
20 heroic strikes 1 key 😪
20+ strikes yesterday = 1 key
Seems they drop a lot on crisis strikes. On heroics not so much. Did about 5 strikes yesterday and got 3 keys
I dont think so :'D got like 4 skeleton keys from 5 strikes I played so far.
I have gotten 4 total out of about 30 or so heroic strikes
Only 1 key so far for me. Bungie and their -blam!-ing keys, in was annoying in OG PoE and it's annoying now.
Played 8 strikes in a row got 3 keys. Seems alright to me.
Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 10/2/2016 8:42:59 AMSeems I get one about every 5th strike or so. Main problem for me is I get the same item every time.