Your the sort of person that never played any old school games. They were difficult and a struggle and you were not just gifted things. What is wrong with this toxic community why can't you all just be happy playing this easy bloody game!
[quote]Your the sort of person that never played any old school games. They were difficult and a struggle and you were not just gifted things.[/quote] I was gifted 99 lives by simply jumping up and down on a turttle......
Old games sucked period .. they were fun then but in all honestly they were awful I'm 31 btw
Granted I'm 28 but Jesus even going back to games like medal of honour airbourne. Took me 3 weeks to complete the campaign on hard. All new games I can smash out a hard campaign in a day. It's a problem with the new entitled gaming community. They don't like it too tough 😂
Fair enough hard to argue those points lol