Bramd - old
I didn't say he was, he could just be owned by someone and not work for them. Kinda like Mion. Do not worry, Vorim. This is Sketch! If he can hold out against everyone here then he can survive what may or may not be happening to him -
[u][b]St-Still...[/b][/u] *He tears up again at the thought of someone owning Sketch, what his kids' reactions will be when Leyla finally tells them why he's missing.*
Bramd - old
*He squeezes him a little, reassuring him* We'll find him, I just know it. It's okay to be worried, so long as it doesn't stop you from helping. -
*He nods.* [b][u]O-Okay...[/u][/b]
Bramd - old
*After a moment he lets go and takes a step back* I'm gonna go look around, see if I can find anything that could help. If you wanna come, be my guest -
[b][u]O-Okay...[/u][/b] *Vorim stands up, following Mortar and pulling Sapphire with him.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles a little as he opens the gates to the Dojo* Alright, this shouldn't be long, just a quick patrol and we'll be on our way -
[u][b]Alright.[/b][/u] *Vorim and Sapphire follow him. Sapphire looks like she still doesn't know what's happening.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar starts walking around, ignorant of the shadowy figure nearby* You guys see anything? -
[u][b]N-Nope... Just the steps...[/b][/u] *He walks a little faster, moving ahead of Mortar and Sapphire.*
Bramd - old
Okay. *He continues to walk, occasionally calling out Sketch's name, as if that would help* -
*Vorim rounds a corner and screams. He is suddenly thrown back towards Mortar.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar quickly catches Vorim as he is launched back and turns to see what caused this* Show yourself! Now! -
*The shadowy creature turns the corner. It closely resembles Sketch. It's body is exactly the same shape as Sketch's but it seems to ripple like pitch black liquid, little parts of it floating up and disappearing. It is surrounded by a grey aura as well. On it's head are two circular, glowing white eyes.*
Bramd - old
Sketch? *He is confused as to what to do, but forms his sword just in case* -
*Creature "I'm not Wolfy, dumba$$..."
Bramd - old
William... Dammit it's him! What did you do with him!? -
*William "I possessed him you idiot!" [u][b]YOU MOTHERF@&$ER!!![/b][/u]
Bramd - old
*Rather than looking concerned, he actually smiles under his mask, chuckling slightly* Do you know how much you [i]f[/i][i]ucked[/i] up? *Almost instantly he tackles WilliSketch, dissolving into him. His voice can be heard through Sketch's mouth* When not directly fighting, possessing was [i]My Job[/i]! If you can get in, I sure as hell can get you out! -
*William "HEY! GET OUT OF ME! TWO MINDS ONLY!" "Mortar? Is that you?! What's going on!? I can't feel anything!"
Bramd - old
I'm here Sketch! *He tries to get to William to destroy him* -
"Mortar! What's happening?!" *William "Um... What are you trying to do?"
Bramd - old
You know VERY WELL what I'm doing William! *He starts chanting a strange incantation, one created to exorcise beings such as William* -
*William "What is that? Are you speaking French?" "Mortar?"
Bramd - old
*He doesn't answer to either of them as he continues chanting, seemingly advancing towards William in his brain. Outside this three way fight for control seems to be giving Sketch a seizure, causing him to fall, spazzing on the ground*