[quote]I say no because the point of skeleton keys was to replace strike specific loot so that we could choose what loot we wanted. As such, I'm pretty sure it has the same drop rate as strike specific loot, which makes sense to me. Skeleton keys weren't made to increase strike specific loot drops, just to allow you to choose what loot you wanted.[/quote]
"CHOOSE what loot we wanted" is imprecise word choice like the RNG of skeleton key use in strikes. Out of eight keys on wretched eye and Phogoth I've gotten the sniper rifle EVERYTIME. So the choice isn't helping me so much. Sure I can CHOOSE which strike I can get a drop but the drops have been evidence of bad weighting of a loot table. Better to say you can "choose what specific strike loot table RNG will screw you." Oh and how come the Imago loop, treads upon stars and other weapon strike loot has random rolls but this damm sniper rifle has the same perks? THAT makes it worse to get EIGHT of them (6 solar and two arc). Ugh.
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