originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]After getting kicked he grabs Sketch's leg and stabs his knife into the knee joint.[/i]
"How about your leg?"
"Gah! That's different!!!" *He slashes at John's shoulder with his extremely sharp claws and tries pushing him away.*
[i]The claws slice through John's armor, but the cuts are extremely shallow. John holds onto Sketch's leg and flips him over onto his stomach. John sits on Sketch's back and pulls Sketch's leg farther than it should go.[/i]
"I didn't... Think I'd have... To use... This during a... Test!" *He takes someone thing out of a pocket. It looks like a leaf in a vacuum sealed packet. He tears it open and eats the leaf. Despite John sitting on top of him and pulling his leg back, Sketch easily pushes himself back up. He throws John off of him, standing up with ease and seemingly becoming oblivious to his leg which is hurting really, really bad.* "Hahahahahaha!!!YouFellOver!!!" *He suddenly grabs John's leg and starts swinging him around, which is impressive for a five foot tall catwolf creature.*
[i]John uses his momentum and the fact that the catman is now currently very top heavy to knock Sketch off his feet and skidding across the floor.[/i] "A leaf? Really? Is it catnip or something?"
*He stumbles back but somehow twists around and regains his balance.* "Yep!UhHuh!!Correct!!!Catnip!!!!Yep!!!!!"
[i]John starts to back up worried.[/i] "You okay, man? You seem a little psycho at the moment."
"Nope!JustHyper!!!" *He smiles, baring his large, sharp teeth.*
"Okay, well when do I get to figure out if I passed or not?" [i]John continues to back up.[/i]
"Aaaand when is the test over? I mean, I'm pretty sure I passed, right?"
"Cool, cool. Wanna end it now or continue when you aren't so hyper? At the moment I don't think you're exactly mentally stable."
Edited by Skatch142: 10/3/2016 12:59:14 AM"No!KeepFighting!NoPausingTheTest!!!" *He summons his sword and stabs into the ground at an angle behind him. He is suddenly propelled into the air straight towards you.* "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
"Well f*ck me." [i]John uses all of his power to ram his metal shoulder into the chin of Sketch. The power of the hit could easily break several feet of concrete.[/i]
*In midair, his eyes widen as he sees John extending his elbow to block Sketch. With the catnip making him capable of having split-second reaction time, he twists through the air, putting a hand on John's arm and then pushing off of him with both legs. He jumps off to the right, landing on all fours and standing up.* "D@@@@@@@@@mmmnnn!!!"
[i]John continues with the momentum and crushes several trees with no effort before he could stop himself. He stands there panting.[/i] "Well, damn. That was random."
"I didn't even know I could go that fast!"
"IJustBustedThroughSeveralDozenTrees! HolySh*tMyArmHurts!"
"OkayCool! CanIHaveSomeOfThatCatnip?!"