[b]The robot bows deeply, his nose practically touching the ground. [/b] "Please. It is Robo."
[i]Charlie gets up and bows back.[/i] "Why hello, Mr. Robo. Please, sit down." [i]Charlie gets back into his seat.[/i]
[b]The robot does as told, sitting in the chair [/b] "You are Mister Charlie?"
"Yes, I am. I'm not sure why you're here though. I'm here to test patients with a brain and you being a robot...that's different."
"Challenge you. Much different with robots"
"Challenge? It's impossible!" [i]Charlie sighs.[/i] "Where were you born?...I mean made."
"Born I was. Same as you, maybe not. But my programming birthed me."
"Do you know where? What were your first moments like?"
"Station Freya, Delta sector, Futura system, Spoi galaxy
"Alright, what were your first moments of being alive like?"
"Computing, analyzing, observing, simply becoming one with reality."
"No emotions? No thoughts?"
"Thoughts? Thoughts of world.... Emotions of hate, love, happy, sad"
"Did any emotion stand out to you at the time?"
"No. Emotions I do not specialize in"
"...and you're taking this test why?"
"Why do you offer your services?"
"It's my job."
"My job to challenge, observe, other things."
"Well, you're challenging me with something that's impossible."
"Improbable. Yet possible."
"Improbable?! You have no emotions! How can I possibly evaluate you when there's nothing to evaluate?!"
"Emotions I have. Now, suprised at your failure I am."
"You just said you don't have any."
"I do not have emotions the same you do. Emotions cannot be seen. I only speak of them"