We have gotten a lot of posts here on Skeleton Keys, and that you would like to see them drop more often. I have passed this feedback along to the developers. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
Yeah right sure you will fix the omigal strike real quick cause yeah it's always been there but this key fix probly won't come out till destiny 2 gotta keep people farming some how you guys are dicks
Sure you have... You guys sure are quick to patch issues that benefit players(omigul farm) but when it's something that negatively effect us y'all drag your feet.
Please dont they are already so common
Shut up
Why?? Just because you havent got many keys? I was voicing my opinion just as much as you
How about those HC's to Coz? When does the cycle come around to make them viable again? They are only decent at best in pvp.
an increase of .04% should be sufficient. thanks.
Haha haha this made me lol
Cozmo, you dropped the Key idea from Prison of Elders. People complained that they needed a key, and to add insult, they had to race morons down to the chest. Not a good idea, so you changed it. Now, the same [i]stupid idea is back ten fold![/i] And, to add the usual Bungie insult, you've made the keys almost obtainable. FFS sake. A few mistakes or coding errors is one thing, but providing this sort of frustration is just sadistic. It seems too many players are on, and they need to be thinned out. It's working, because over half on my friends list [u]did not[/u] come back to Ro!!
^ this ^^ Now we face triple RNG. Pray for a key > pray for the right item > pray for the right stay based / perk from the RNG gods. It's unfair to A LOT of players
They're supposed to copy the drop of strike specific loot in year 2. Only now you get to choose when and where you're drops will be.
Please do increase the drop rates because at the moment there is no reason to grind strikes because they don't drop keys enough so no one is going to play strikes they will go to pvp instead and with the current meta that's not fun either
Edited by LAVVSON: 10/3/2016 7:46:45 PMAn increased drop rate might help with the frustration. I've had maybe 4 keys since ROI's release and every one I've used in the undying mind chest... And every one gave me a "mark of the undying mind". Pretty tedious to be honest.
I feel you...I got 3 keys to drop one night running heroic strikes. Used them all on omnigul to try and get the Grasp of Malok.....each time I got the warlock bond. Bullsh*t if you ask me
Lol - same here. Waiting for a waltz or malok for the longest time. Very upset at these fcking keys
Cozmo the next time you reply to a post (not this one) you aren't allowed to say "passed" or "it" or "on" or "to" or "the" or "devs" - just for kicks. We all know you have only got that much power where you can't promise anything, can't leak info, can't actually get a dev to look in this actual forum or can't make them listen. The changes we ask for are always steamrollered every time an update comes along and you always said you'd pass it on. So what happens bro? Do they just ignore you? Shrug? Smile and go back to working? Are you even allowed to actually speak to them or do you have to quietly pass on an email? Either way dude you're not being heard just as much as we aren't.
Actually, the main part of his job is relaying the feelings of the community to all the devs at Bungie. But the main decisions are decided by the team as a whole. So lay off your detain for Coz, he rocks and has been a huge part of our Destiny community.
Our group 5 nightfalls yesterday = 1 skeleton key = 1/15 considering 3 players. I actually have yet to find one outside of the one given to us for each toon played.
Yes better than 1/50 would be nice
Please add appearance change option for our guardians
Thanks for your crew ruining my favorite game cozmo. This game was therapeutic for me up to this point, helped get my mind off 24/7 pain. Now it's plain aggravating. Can't level for a number of personal and ingame reasons, but mainly due to the feel of non compulsive players like me getting left far behind. Didn't complain about 3 months of class items on prison, or latest botched balancing, lag ruling pvp, but I've finally hit my patience limits, and have been bitching in ways i hate bc i can't -blam!-ing stand it anymore. It's like an abusive relationship, and I'm ready to walk out. Day -blam!-ing one, 2yrs, dealt with every good and bad move you've done, but this system is broken. You've failed much of this community
Perhaps we can hear from one of the devs on this issue.
thanks for being deej' meat shield
Thank you being so polite in the midst of Internet ramblings. Thank you for responding at all to an issue you may not think needs any change. I could get theoretically get 1 million players to complain that we want SIVA to be yellow, not red, but that doesn't mean the red isn't working in the designers creative image. But alas I've gotten enough flak already for defending the current drop rate for keys. If you increased it it's not like is complain,I'd level up faster, and then have a vault full of them come November. Everyone would eventually get God rolls on Imago Loop and Grasp of Malok. Do whatever your development team thinks is best.